The Energy Issues Committee (EIC) of the Ecology Action Centre (EAC) takes as its starting point the conviction that urgent action is required to address climate change. It is Nova Scotia’s responsibility to do its share in a global effort to confront the climate crisis.

Wiser energy use through efficiency, energy waste reduction, and energy demand reduction must be our primary response to climate change. Yet it is also necessary to convert the energy we do use from fossil fuels –based to renewables -based energy.

Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) - The Ecology Action Centre welcomes the decision to reduce catch for southwest Nova Scotia-Bay of Fundy herring, a necessary action for a stock that has been in the critical zone since 2017. However, the best available science indicates this reduction alone will not be enough to actually recover this population without subsequent and larger reductions in catch for the next number of fishing seasons.

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