a photo of a bike lane across from the clock tower in downtown Halifax. the lights from cars going by are a long-exposure blur and the sky is almost dark

Nova Scotia's Active Transportation Future

What would a more walkable, rollable, and bikeable Nova Scotia look like? 

The Ecology Action Centre's Transportation Team has compiled a map of existing and proposed active transportation infrastructure from Active Transportation plans across the province.

Explore our maps to see if your community has an Active Transportation plan, what pedestrian and bike infrastructure is proposed and what has been implemented. If something is missing or incorrect, please email ben.hammer@ecologyaction.ca.

The maps are updated quarterly to track the implementation status of proposed infrastructure and add recently proposed projects to the map. See what projects are proposed in your community and check back to follow their progress. 

Nova Scotia committed “to complete core active transportation networks that are accessible for all ages and all abilities in 65% of the province’s communities by 2030.”  in the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act. The Nova Scotia’s Active Transportation Future maps will monitor, and improve coordination, to achieve this goal. 

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