Rhiannon Davies

board member Rhiannon Davies
Role / Title
Member At Large
Bio accordion

Read Rhiannon's Bio

Having grown up in New Brunswick, studied in Montreal and lived for 18 years in Amsterdam, Rhiannon moved to Halifax in August 2018 after spending a year on a 44’ sailboat travelling with her family. This sailing experience brought home again the importance of protecting our oceans and habitats, the importance of communication on environmental issues and that each of us needs to take an active role in protecting the world around us. 

Rhiannon has spent her professional life working on the end-to-end supply chains of international corporations in food and consumer goods manufacturing and retail, most recently as a senior executive, board member and company director. Driving transparency, accountability and implementing strategies and practices to address these issues has been an important focus of her work. 

Rhiannon’s governance experience includes private, public companies and NGOs. She spent 6 years on the Supervisory Board of Fairfood International, an Amsterdam based NGO.  Rhiannon is also an active angel investor, mentor and supporter of early-stage female entrepreneurs.

Date Appointed (board)
June 2019

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